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Sponges Non-coral coelenterates Corals Worms Mollusca Sea-slugs Chromista
Sponges Non-coral
Corals Worms Mollusca Sea-slugsChromista (coccolithophora)

Crustaceans Echinodermata Tunicates Fishes Sea-plantsAcorn WormsAcorn Worms
Crustaceans Echinodermata Tunicates Fishes Sea-plantsAcorn-Worms
Madagascar 2004 | China 2006 | South-America & Galapagos 2007 | Morroco 2008 | Educational nature reserve

Gulf of Eilat
The gulf of Eilat (Aqaba) is small, with an area 1% of the total area of the Red Sea. Like the Red Sea, it is deep – 1869m (1000 fathom), shallow and narrow at its entrance from the Red Sea proper.
Water temperature, <20C in winter, and a salinity of 4.1%, limit the distribution of tropical fauna and flora. Yet, the Gulf is known for its high biodiversity, and many endemics. More than 1200 fish species and smaller or larger invertebrates are to be found in the Gulf. Most of them recoded in our site.
The aim of this portal, and especially the web guides – is to direct you to the various phyla and classes of the Gulf's marine organism, and increase public awareness to their presence and wellbeing, and thereby facilitate their preservation in face of the imminent dangers, due to careless urban development and of negligence. Other sites – in Hebrew – contain other educational materials. Visitors are encouraged to enter personal site, communicate with the author, and contribute information and comments

EMAIL: P.O.B. 14605 Eilat Israel 8856460

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